
There is one intake for 25 children into the Reception class, in the autumn term.  

Parents should apply for a place at the school through Buckinghamshire Council’s School Admissions Procedure, in the autumn term prior to the academic year that their child turns five years old.  

If the school receives more applications than it has places available, Buckinghamshire Council uses admission rules to decide, in a fair and consistent way, which children they should offer the places to. Once places have been allocated to children with an Educational Health Care Plan, the remaining places will be allocated in the following order:

Rule 1 – Looked after and previously looked after children.

Rule 2 - Children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted

Rule 3 – Children who have exceptional medical or social needs, which can only be met at that school, supported by written evidence from an appropriate professional person.

Rule 4 - Children of staff where either:

  • The member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or 
  • The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage

Rule 5 – Children living within the catchment area of the school.

Rule 6 – For the main point of entry: Siblings of children who are attending the school or a ‘linked primary’ school in Year R to Year 5 at the time the allocations are made (March 2020), and are expected to be on the school roll or linked school roll at the time of the proposed admission, or who have already been offered a place to start in the current academic year at the school or a ‘linked primary’ school. (For immediate in year admission after the normal point of entry: Siblings of children who are in Year R to Year 6 at the time of admission to the school).

Rule 7 – Children attending a primary school linked to the school named in the list of ‘linked primary’ schools at the time allocations are made (March 2019). This rule does not apply to those applying for a place in Reception.

Rule 8 – Once the above rules have been applied, then any further places will be offered in distance order, using the distance between the family’s Normal Home Address and the school’s nearest entrance gate, offering the closest first. We use straight line distance. 

Rule 9 - Where a school can take some, but not all, of the children who qualify under one of these rules, we will give priority to children by taking account of the next rule (or rules) in the numbered list to decide who has priority for places.

For example, places are offered to catchment siblings before children living in the catchment area without siblings. In each case, distance is used to prioritise which children should be offered places. 

Rule 10 - If it is still not possible to decide between two applicants who are equal distance then an independently scrutinised random allocation will be made to allocate the final place.

For more information about admissions or appeal arrangements please visit the Buckinghamshire Council School Admissions website below.