Parking Information

As a healthy school and in support of our School Travel Plan we encourage those who can to walk to school, or to Park & Stride from St Anne's Church, the Jolly Woodman or Blackwood Arms. This is common land and can be used for parking without visiting the pub/church. There is a footpath from the Jolly Woodman car park back onto Boveney Wood Lane which makes it a safe walking option. See the Park & Stride map below for more information.
Please do consider using our Park & Stride options and walking the short distance. This has benefits for the safety of all of us all around the immediate school area and also the health of the children.
To further promote our Park & Stride initiative we award our children with a House Point every time they use it. These House Points are collected in our new Walk to School House Point collector on the walkway. At the end of every term the Walk to School House Cup is awarded to the House with the most House Points.
If you are not able to walk or Park & Stride, the following parking rules apply:
  • ONLY park on Littleworth Road or Wooburn Common Road
  • DO NOT park in disabled bay
  • DO NOT park on yellow zigzag lines
  • DO NOT park on Dropmore Road
To ease congestion and ensure the safety of everyone connected with our school it is important that all adults who drop off and collect children from our school are aware of the parking situation and the procedures put in place. 
The map below shows safe and approved parking areas (marked in green).
For the safety of your children, please DO NOT park in the areas marked in red!