At Dropmore Infant School we recognise that the pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We also promote fundamental British Values within our school, recognising the importance of educating our children to become responsible and respectful members of society. We are passionately committed to providing all pupils with a rich and varied set of opportunities for personal development in these areas, therefore ensuring they have the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed.
Listed below are some of the key examples of how we develop the pupils, spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. It is under constant review and adapted based on current issues and needs or interests of the children.
- Pupils are encouraged to share knowledge about their Religion or key festivals in their culture within their class and to the whole school.
- In Reception, children have a special week each term where they learn about a different festival or special day within a religion, for example Diwali. This learning is shared with KS1.
- Pupils are encouraged to share knowledge about their Religion or key festivals in their culture within their class and to the whole school.
- We have a close relationship to the local church (St Anne’s Church). The Reverend leads assembly at least once a half term and works with the school to support events such as Harvest Festival and the school Christmas carol concert.
- The children have the option to take part in collective worship.
- The school may go on visits to places of worship to further develop knowledge and experience.
- Teachers are encouraged to ask varied and differentiated questions; ones which encourage deeper questions and give children space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.
- At the end of every RE topic, children in Y1 and Y2 reflect on what they have learnt and what more they would like to find out.
- At Dropmore Infant school, children learn about morals linked to our school values - independence, respect and curiosity. These are on display throughout the school and regularly referred to in class and assemblies.
- We have a positive behaviour system across the school, with clear displays in each classroom with the behaviour chart and rewards.
- We hold a whole school sharing assembly every Friday which celebrates effort and achievement in school.
- Children choose others to receive kindness awards for their behaviour.
- Achievements such as kindness awards are celebrated in a weekly parent newsletter.
- There is a whole school house point system with house captains.
- There are regular updates and reminders in assemblies on morals and behaviours.
- There are weekly wellbeing assemblies which explore values and morals.
- Through our PHSE curriculum (Jigsaw), children are given opportunities to discuss and debate moral and ethical issues.
- There are specific assemblies and class discussions/lessons that cover moral development for example during Anti bullying week and E-Safety Week.
- We create a sense of school community by providing opportunities for all year groups to work together e.g. weekly during Mile a day and through other themed afternoons and school events such as Sports day and school trips.
- In class, children often work in groups or pairs to support learning. KS1 use Learning partners/talk partners and Reception often work in groups for their adult led learning.
- Playground pals are assigned and there is a friendship bench in playground during break and lunch if children need someone to play with or speak to.
- We encourage parents to volunteer to support pupil’s learning, particularly in reading. We also hold special afternoons where parents are invited to work with pupils for example a Christmas craft day.
- We hold Christmas and Summer Fayres where past children and teachers are welcomed.
- We support student teachers and others wishing to take on work experience at Dropmore.
- We have close links with other school communities in Bucks through hosting an annual Country Dancing Festival and Football Festival.
- At assemblies we often share stories from other cultures and countries.
- We encourage families at the school to help support our children to learn about different cultures and traditions, for example a parent speaker
- In Reception, we examine ‘people and communities’ and explore the similarities and differences between us.
- Our curriculum topics encourage children to reflect on their own culture as well as explore others. They run on a three-year cycle and include topics such as ‘Britain’
- We choose school trips that broaden pupils cultural understanding e.g. trips to RDA South Bucks and Thames Valley Adventure Playground
- Pupils are given opportunities to engage in democratic processes such as voting on House Captains.
- Through our PHSE and RE curriculum, we cover values of democracy and respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs