Art @Dropmore

The children in Reception work on three core skills throughout the year that help support their transition to Year 1. These are drawing, painting and sculpture projects inspired by the Access Arts EYFS units. In addition to this there are plenty of opportunities in adult led activities, enhancements and continuous provision for the development of these skills. The children are also exposed to other art skills such as clay and print throughout the year.
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, our Autumn unit is drawing, then painting for Spring and sculpture for Summer. The teaching of drawing, painting and sculpture has carefully be planned within a spiral curriculum as the disciplines and skills are revisited each year and built upon. We then provide the children with other skills in the summer term or within other subjects or enrichment days
Artists we study
We learn about a range of ancient, traditional, modern and contemporary artists, as well as local artists. We attempt to show the children difference approaches artists make in their work, explore what the artists may have been trying to say in their work and look at the skills used by the artists to make their work.
Below is the grid of some of the key artists we study. A diverse range of artists have been chosen to ensure curriculum is aspirational to all pupils regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and disability. This list is not exhaustive but we ensure we cover at least one artist per term in each year group.
Outside of our topic units, we also study art e.g. traditional art in RE & History, Kandinsky (contemporary) in Maths, Pop Art in Year 2 ICT lessons. This ensures the children study a wide variety of different art periods over their time at Dropmore.
For further information on our Art Curriculum, including our progression of Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary please click below.