PE @ Dropmore

Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) are at the heart of our school life, offering many opportunities to all pupils, all the time.
Physical Education
Physical Education is the planned, progressive learning that takes place in school school curriculum timetabled time and which is delivered to all pupils. This involves both 'learning to move' and 'moving to learn'.
Pupils in EYFS have one structured PE lesson per week in which they follow the Get Set 4 PE scheme, working towards the Early Learning Goals, developing both multi-ability life skills and fundamental movement skills. 
Pupils in KS1 have 2 timetabled PE lesson per week. In which they follow the Get Set 4 PE scheme, developing both multi-ability life skills and fundamental movement skills. 
School Sport
School Sport is the structured learning that takes place beyond the curriculum within the school setting, better known as after-school clubs. We have a wide range of after-school clubs available and these are accessed by the vast majority of our pupils. For more information about our after-school clubs, please click here.
Physical Activity
Physical Activity is a broad term that describes bodily movement, posture and balance that require energy. At  Dropmore Infant school we encourage our children to be active throughout the school day. We have a timetable for break and lunch times offering a wide range pf physical activities. In addition to this the children take part in Mile-a-Day 3 times a week.