British Values

As well as promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural areas of development within school, we also promote the following fundamental British values: Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefsListed below are some key examples of how we teach and promote these values.

Children are given the opportunity to have their voices heard in school. Before each topic, teachers discuss with the pupils what they would like to learn. At the end of each topic the children are invited to self-reflect on what they have learnt and what they would like to know more about. The school also carries out an annual pupil survey to gather their thoughts and feelings about the school. The findings are shared with staff and Governors and form part of the school's self-evaluation and future planning. School Playground Pals and House Captains are elected democratically in Year 2 through voting at the beginning of each term. Pupils can also nominate their class mates for a kindness award.

The Rule of Law:
Children are made aware of the importance of laws, whether they be those in class, the school or the country. We encourage or pupils to distinguish right from wrong. At Dropmore, there is a clear behaviour management strategy with rules and each year group writes up their own class rules together at the beginning of the school year.  Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind school rules and national laws. We discuss with the children and make clear the consequences when rules in school and laws are broken. We arrange visitors to support their understanding in this such as the Police and the Fire Service.

Individual Liberty:
Linked to our school value of Independence, pupils are actively encouraged to make personal choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through E-safety and our PHSE lessons.

Mutual Respect:
Respect is one of our core values at Dropmore. The pupils know and understand that it is important to show respect to themselves and others. This is reflected in our school rules, displays, newsletters, website and in the curriculum where opportunities arise. Where pupils show our core values of respect they are awarded with house points. House Captains remind children in their house of good core values of behaviour in school and towards others when visiting classrooms. We focus on a different value each term, and children are given the opportunity to express their opinion on what these values are like within our school and suggest possible improvements.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:
Dropmore Infant school enhances pupils understanding of different faiths and beliefs through Religious Education lessons, PSHE work, welcoming visitors into our school to speak to the children and enjoying a depth of study about other culture and beliefs during themed days or weeks

Collective Worship is planned termly to recognise key dates within different faiths and cultures such as Eid and Diwali.  The children attend weekly wellbeing and worship assemblies which support Members of different faiths are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within our school.