Maintenance Day

19th August 2021
On Thursday 19th August we welcomed 17 Infor employees, 4 staff, 4 parents, 3 governors and other volunteers onto the school site for a Give back to the Community maintenance day. Prior to the day a list of more than 20 project were identified and materials and equipment bought. The school site was a hive of activity with everyone tackling the various projects, ranging from DIY, painting, gardening and cleaning with enthusiasm. T-shirts, hats, coffee, tea, cold drinks, biscuits and a BBQ were provided on the day, courtesy of Infor.
So much was achieved on the day, the photographs below speak for themselves. As always, there are more projects, so we hope to be able to organise another maintenance day next year.
We would like to thank all parents, governors and most of all the wonderful team from Infor for their hard work and time given to the school. We would also like to thank Infor for their generous contribution to the cost of materials.